Thursday, 27 February 2014

This series of work is called Off Ground. Stephen Gill produced this work in 2011. I like this style of work that Gill produces because you can tell that he still puts thought into his composition even though he is photographing the simplest of objects. I also really like the fact that Gill has shot these images in black and white. I find that each shot has a beautiful tonal range to it. I am definitely considering shooting my final series of work in black and white because it is my favourite way of working. Displayed below are the photographs that stood out the most to me from the series 'Off Ground'. You can find this work through the following link.

Off Ground:

By Stephen Gill

Stephen Gill's previous work

Here is a series of work that Stephen Gill has previously produced that has caught my eye. I think that this selection of images has taken my interest because it is so simple yet effective at the same time. The concept it so simple, yet this artist has still managed to make each individual shot look like a piece of artwork. I would definitely like to try something like this when it comes to my own photo shoot for this brief.
Stephen Gill has proven that you can take anything from your surroundings and you can turn that subject into art. This series of images is certainly one of my favourites from Stephen Gill's portfolio. You can find this selection of work by taking a look at his website.

Hammer and Blackberry:

By Stephen Gill

A little bit about Stephen Gill

Best Before End
By Stephen Gill

Stephen gill is a rather interesting photographer who was born in Bristol in 1971. Stephen Gill was generally interested in birds, animals and music at the beginning of his journey as a photographer. Gill took an interest in photography at quite a young age. Gill's work has been held in a number of private and public collections. His work has even been exhibited in a large number of galleries and museums.
Stephen Gill has produced a wide range of work that covers birds, bridges, billboards, blackberries, rubble and also people. I am really looking forward to producing a final series of work inspired by Stephen Gill because he has produced such a wide variety of work in the past. I particularly like the photograph that is displayed above. I love the richness of the colours that are used in the shot. This style of image seems to draw the viewer in. This shot makes me feel as if I want to know more.
Stephen Gill has also visited many places of education to hold talks about his work. Gill tells many students across a large number of universities how he views his surroundings on a daily basis.

You can find a great deal of information about Stephen Gill by taking a look at his website. The link to Gill's website is displayed below.

Thursday, 30 January 2014


This blog contains all of the research that I have collected on a brilliant photographer who goes by the name of Stephen Gill. I have sourced information on this artist from books, articles, and websites. I believe that it is extremely crucial to research Stephen Gill as much as I possibly can because by doing this I will achieve a good understanding of how he thinks as an artist. I want to attempt to understand how he lives, his views on life in general, and even the concept behind some of his previous work. I think that if I achieve a good understanding of who Stephen Gill truly is I will produce a rather strong final body of work. 
During this assignment I am required to carry a portrait image of Stephen gill around with me wherever I go. This is so that I can attempt to connect with the artist. I am going to try to view my surroundings in a similar way to Stephen Gill. The image displayed below is the photograph of Stephen Gill that I have decided to carry around with me. As I carry this image around on me I need to view this artist as my guide, my mentor, and even my friend. 

Stephen Gill at Brighton Museum & Art Gallery

To begin this assignment I am going to take a look at Stephen Gill's official website. I am intending on taking a look through his portfolio and attempt to get a better understanding of the work that this artist has produced in the past. I am also intending on learning a little bit of background information on the history of Stephen Gill. I will also be completing a practice photo shoot. I am looking forward to learning more and more about this artist. I think that Stephen Gill is quite an inspirational artist. I think that I will certainly learn a lot from this artist and his work. 
By the end of this assignment I am hoping to have produced a final series of photographs that have been taken in the style of Stephen Gill, however with my own added twist. It will be interesting to see how this project will go. I am looking forward to discovering how my research and ideas will progress as I make my way through the assignment. 

The image displayed in this post can be found via the following link: